
Labrador Pond

It was an extremely foggy night in Central New York, and what better of a place to take some morning blue hour photos than at the majestic Labrador Pond? Nestled in Labrador Hollow between the towns of Fabius and Truxton, the pond sits in a small valley with high hills on both sides. My first image was taken about 30 minutes before Sunrise, capturing the magnificent blue hour light and rolling fog from one of the boardwalks overlooking the lake.

Labrador Pond Before Dawn

“Labrador Pond Before Dawn”

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And behind me, the view looking down the boardwalk at the hills behind me was spectacular too. Taken just 10 minutes before Sunrise, the fog was lifting quickly – but there was still enough to cover the 3/4 top half of the hills.

Labrador Pond Blue Hour Boardwalk

“Labrador Pond Blue Hour Boardwalk”

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All images are © Gregory A. Dunbar, unless otherwise stated.

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